During El Capitan’s beta testing, one round of release notes from Apple explained the permissions removal from Disk Utility by noting that during software updates, any permission issues would be resolved by an installer, but that otherwise, there was no need. (SIP), also known as rootless mode, prevents modification to these files. But in El Capitan, any system file for which Repair Permissions would have restored these settings can no longer be modified during normal operating. Even so, from all reports, permissions repairs had little real effect for years-it just made us feel better. A printer driver with the wrong switches flipped might not be available to the system or the driver might be unable to access the printer settings file or temporary print queue directories. It made sense that repairing permissions on files for which OS X knew precisely what settings should be in place could fix random faults. Caelenwilson$ sudo umount -f /Volumes/Caelen_HDD WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss or the deletion of important system files.
Upon using the second command, I got an error stating that the disk couldn't be unmounted. You can also burn to a CD, boot it and try to format your external HD from it. See What is the ‘Mac OS X Base System’ disk image on my 2011 Macbook AIr? To get an explanation. The Mac OS X core system image is not the cause of your problem.
Everywhere it really is you get that blunders message, let us know what exhibit screen you're in (Partition, Erase, different), WRITE DOWN the precise words shown and record decrease back. If not 'Mac OS prolonged (journaled)' format it wisely.